Last Christmas I had a big Christmas party at my grandparents house like we do every year. When we got there I played outside with my cousins Paige, Tayla, Jade and my brothers Connor and Taine.
When I came inside my grandma was getting the pavlova ready so I said I'd help her. About 15 minutes later it was time to open the presents. My dad acted as Santa and my uncle acted as Santa's little helper. The youngest got their presents first. Taine got his first then Jade, Tayla, Connor, Paige, me, Soreya, Rhys and then Nicole.
Next was the adults. They got stuff like body cream things and stuff like that.I got a Twilight board game and an Eclipse film book. It was from my auntie Tania and uncle Wayne so I said thank you. I got some other things as well as a scooter, sandals, hair clips and heaps of earrings!
Then I went outside and my auntie was there, suddenly music started playing, it was Stan W'alker my aunties absolute favourite singer. She grabbed me and we danced to the song 'Little Black Box'.
But thank goodness the lunch time call saved me! For lunch we had wobbly jelly, delicious club sandwiches and white Ambrosia and heaps more other yummy stuff.
I had the best day ever, the nicest food, the most embarrassing dance and the best day with my family!!!!!!
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
Traffic Light Straws Science
David, Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Alex creating a traffic light
Traffic Light Straws Science
Which liquid is more dense Nicole?
Traffic Light Straws
Can you stack them Janaya?
Traffic Light Straws Science
Monique, Caitlin and Rhys
Traffic Light Straws Science
Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Brooke, Alexis and Amelia
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Cameron, Cassidy, Euan and Summer
Traffic Light Straws Science
Robert and Janaya
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