A tornado is a whirl of hot and cold air. It's a deadly destructive disaster. They are unstoppable and the worst weather in the world.
Tornadoes start by rising hot tropical and descending polar cold air. Next thunder and cloud are needed for tornado to form.
After that turbulent air the currents in clouds spin. Then a column of air called a vortex will descend and gets bigger as more air gets sucked in.
Finally the tornado hits the ground and it's not going to stop until its puffed. Last of all you can choose to die while you're in it or get kicked out and brake some bones. After about an hour
it will go poof.
Did you know that in the Bangladesh tornado 1,300 people died in 1989. And Mid West America is called Tornado Alley because the boiling hot air from Mexico and the freezing cold air from Canada form many tornadoes.
By EUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
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awsome explanation I don't Know any one who could write a better one