1. Why didn't the skeleton go to the party???
Because he had no [ BODY ] to go with!!!
2. Why did the dog cross the road???
Because the skeleton didn't have the [ GUTS ] to!!!
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
Traffic Light Straws Science
David, Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Alex creating a traffic light
Traffic Light Straws Science
Which liquid is more dense Nicole?
Traffic Light Straws
Can you stack them Janaya?
Traffic Light Straws Science
Monique, Caitlin and Rhys
Traffic Light Straws Science
Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Brooke, Alexis and Amelia
Traffic Light Straws Science
Cameron, Cassidy, Euan and Summer
Traffic Light Straws Science
Robert and Janaya
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Duckit by Katie
This is a story of the rarest animal in the whole world. I bet you are asking yourself what animal is it? This animal is called the Duckit. The Duckit is a very small cheeky thing. It has the biggest eyes and huge ears that stick out of the top of it's head and a very little cute fluffy tail that sticks out.
The Duckit lives in a hole next to a pond so it can bath in the day and sleep in a warm snugly burrow so no evil predators can get in and try to eat it.
The Duckit loves to eat carrots shaped as fish. If the Duckit likes something it's nose starts to twitch but if it hates something it makes the worst noise ever. It almost makes you deaf.
One thing the Duckit LOVES is sneaking into houses and eating all the fish and carrots. Now the Duckit is a very unpleasant animal so if you got too close it would hiss at you, try to bite you or inject poison into you.
The Duckit is now so rare because they are hunted for their meat and their tails because they can cure sicknesses.
By Katie
The Duckit lives in a hole next to a pond so it can bath in the day and sleep in a warm snugly burrow so no evil predators can get in and try to eat it.
The Duckit loves to eat carrots shaped as fish. If the Duckit likes something it's nose starts to twitch but if it hates something it makes the worst noise ever. It almost makes you deaf.
One thing the Duckit LOVES is sneaking into houses and eating all the fish and carrots. Now the Duckit is a very unpleasant animal so if you got too close it would hiss at you, try to bite you or inject poison into you.
The Duckit is now so rare because they are hunted for their meat and their tails because they can cure sicknesses.
By Katie
Moniques animal creative writing
A puck is a mixture of a pig and a duck. It is called a puck because it has a pig head and a duck body.
A puck has a pig head and a duck's body. Its legs are yellow and stick-like and its toenails are pink to match their big puffy tutus.
Pucks live in a cave under the sea.They think they are in beauty pageants.These creatures only go out at night time. Pucks are at the bottom of the food chain that's why they only go out at night time.
Pucks eat chocolate, lollies, chips and food scraps from the bin when they go out at night.Pucks wouldn't eat healthy food if their life depended on it!
The puck makes a snorting sound and a quack sound mixed together. Pucks waddle like ducks. Now you know a lot of information about Pucks, I hope it is useful in the future.
A puck has a pig head and a duck's body. Its legs are yellow and stick-like and its toenails are pink to match their big puffy tutus.
Pucks live in a cave under the sea.They think they are in beauty pageants.These creatures only go out at night time. Pucks are at the bottom of the food chain that's why they only go out at night time.
Pucks eat chocolate, lollies, chips and food scraps from the bin when they go out at night.Pucks wouldn't eat healthy food if their life depended on it!
The puck makes a snorting sound and a quack sound mixed together. Pucks waddle like ducks. Now you know a lot of information about Pucks, I hope it is useful in the future.
alexis monowl story
A Monowl is half monkey half owl. He has yellow pointy ears, crystal blue eyes, colourful chequered type tummy, light brown arms and cherry red legs.
Monowl lives on owl island in a luxury tree crowded with heaps of squirrels also with lots and lots of branches and emerald green leaves. He eats shiny yellow bananas, delicious scaly fish, smooth honey, cool coconuts, school work and wonderful vines!!!!!
Monowl can swim, fly, swing and he can dance as well. He can swim to the deepest of the deep sea, fly into outer SPACE, swing through the tallest of trees and dance to the fanciest of music.
When he is happy he sounds like oh oh aw aw, but when he's angry he kicks, punches, bites and sometimes if you get him REALLY angry he can break your bones. Now he lives happily with his friends in Owl Island.
By Alexis
Monowl lives on owl island in a luxury tree crowded with heaps of squirrels also with lots and lots of branches and emerald green leaves. He eats shiny yellow bananas, delicious scaly fish, smooth honey, cool coconuts, school work and wonderful vines!!!!!
Monowl can swim, fly, swing and he can dance as well. He can swim to the deepest of the deep sea, fly into outer SPACE, swing through the tallest of trees and dance to the fanciest of music.
When he is happy he sounds like oh oh aw aw, but when he's angry he kicks, punches, bites and sometimes if you get him REALLY angry he can break your bones. Now he lives happily with his friends in Owl Island.
By Alexis
Cindersmelly snorry rorry
One day a new girl came to Smellyland and her name is Cindersmelly snorry rorry. She is from Stinkbomb land, so she's extra smelly even super smelly, super sleepy, super snorry! CSR was very ugly and pimply so no one liked her. She's as lazy as a platypus, never does any work and never under any circumstances showers. CSR moved into a little old stinky cottage in the swamp, with her two sisters the queen of hygiene and her pet frog Rubber Rut! Their cottage was surrounded by a Poo River and lots of tall green grass.
A month later CSR was walking through the Smellyland market when she bumped into an ugly looking man. I guess he was as ugly as her. ''Hello" he said, "my name is CSR aka Cindersmelly snorry rorry.'' Then... POOF a cloud of dust surrounded Gertrood but he turned out to be rubber Rut ''Rubber Rut what are you doing," CSR cried.
"Sorry"he said, "I just wanted to impress you". CSR was stunned and all she could think about was if she could change Rubber Rut back forever." If you kiss me on the butt I will turn back into Gertrood'' he said. ''Okay'' said CSR, so she did. Then it happened, she turned beautiful and Rubber Rut turned into Gertrood. ''Oh no'' she cried! There was only one way for CSR to be ugly again...
So CSR and Gertrood went on the quest to find the rear plant flabbergast, it was a long and tiring trip. Finally they returned to the swamp and CSR mixed up the plant with water and gulped down the antidote and returned to her ugly self.
Two years later Gertrooed and CSR got married and had two ugly little children. One was a little girl named Lopley and the other was a little boy named Peeeta. They lived stinkly ever after in the little cottage in the swamp.
A month later CSR was walking through the Smellyland market when she bumped into an ugly looking man. I guess he was as ugly as her. ''Hello" he said, "my name is CSR aka Cindersmelly snorry rorry.'' Then... POOF a cloud of dust surrounded Gertrood but he turned out to be rubber Rut ''Rubber Rut what are you doing," CSR cried.
"Sorry"he said, "I just wanted to impress you". CSR was stunned and all she could think about was if she could change Rubber Rut back forever." If you kiss me on the butt I will turn back into Gertrood'' he said. ''Okay'' said CSR, so she did. Then it happened, she turned beautiful and Rubber Rut turned into Gertrood. ''Oh no'' she cried! There was only one way for CSR to be ugly again...
So CSR and Gertrood went on the quest to find the rear plant flabbergast, it was a long and tiring trip. Finally they returned to the swamp and CSR mixed up the plant with water and gulped down the antidote and returned to her ugly self.
Two years later Gertrooed and CSR got married and had two ugly little children. One was a little girl named Lopley and the other was a little boy named Peeeta. They lived stinkly ever after in the little cottage in the swamp.
The Monkat!!!
I am going to tell you about a very rare animal that if you are very lucky you will see... the Monkat. The Monkat is a cross between a monkey and a cat which has the paws, body and face of a cat and the tail, arms and colour of a Monkey.
The Monkat likes to live in a nice big cosy bush in some backyards, where during the day it will collect up lots of feathers and anything fluffy and will bring it back to its nest. When it comes to nighttime it will climb to its nest in a chosen tree, spin around three times, curl up and wrap its tail around itself then go to sleep.
This animal the Monkat loves to eat. This is a list of the foods it can eat. It eats tropical fish from the Pacific Ocean, little yellow fuzzy banana mice and yummy soft banana brain biscuits. As a nice little treat it can have banana milkshakes and tropical banana mice. It can have other things too but they're allergic to yoghurt, peanuts, honey, peanut and jelly sandwiches!!! If they eat any of these foods they will be paralysed and die.
A Monkat moves silently by swinging on its long, strong, fluffy tail but if it gets tired it will walk quietly on its little paws. When it is nice and happy it makes a Bazaar Boo! Bazaar Boo! sound when its angry it makes a woo Wang woo Wang. If you hear it go MiG yow it is probably asking you something.
For a fact the Monkat is very small, if you own one be careful of where you put your feet in case you accidentally squash it flat.
By Amelia!!!
The Monkat likes to live in a nice big cosy bush in some backyards, where during the day it will collect up lots of feathers and anything fluffy and will bring it back to its nest. When it comes to nighttime it will climb to its nest in a chosen tree, spin around three times, curl up and wrap its tail around itself then go to sleep.
This animal the Monkat loves to eat. This is a list of the foods it can eat. It eats tropical fish from the Pacific Ocean, little yellow fuzzy banana mice and yummy soft banana brain biscuits. As a nice little treat it can have banana milkshakes and tropical banana mice. It can have other things too but they're allergic to yoghurt, peanuts, honey, peanut and jelly sandwiches!!! If they eat any of these foods they will be paralysed and die.
A Monkat moves silently by swinging on its long, strong, fluffy tail but if it gets tired it will walk quietly on its little paws. When it is nice and happy it makes a Bazaar Boo! Bazaar Boo! sound when its angry it makes a woo Wang woo Wang. If you hear it go MiG yow it is probably asking you something.
For a fact the Monkat is very small, if you own one be careful of where you put your feet in case you accidentally squash it flat.
By Amelia!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Maddi's Favourite day
Last Christmas I had a big Christmas party at my grandparents house like we do every year. When we got there I played outside with my cousins Paige, Tayla, Jade and my brothers Connor and Taine.
When I came inside my grandma was getting the pavlova ready so I said I'd help her. About 15 minutes later it was time to open the presents. My dad acted as Santa and my uncle acted as Santa's little helper. The youngest got their presents first. Taine got his first then Jade, Tayla, Connor, Paige, me, Soreya, Rhys and then Nicole.
Next was the adults. They got stuff like body cream things and stuff like that.I got a Twilight board game and an Eclipse film book. It was from my auntie Tania and uncle Wayne so I said thank you. I got some other things as well as a scooter, sandals, hair clips and heaps of earrings!
Then I went outside and my auntie was there, suddenly music started playing, it was Stan W'alker my aunties absolute favourite singer. She grabbed me and we danced to the song 'Little Black Box'.
But thank goodness the lunch time call saved me! For lunch we had wobbly jelly, delicious club sandwiches and white Ambrosia and heaps more other yummy stuff.
I had the best day ever, the nicest food, the most embarrassing dance and the best day with my family!!!!!!
When I came inside my grandma was getting the pavlova ready so I said I'd help her. About 15 minutes later it was time to open the presents. My dad acted as Santa and my uncle acted as Santa's little helper. The youngest got their presents first. Taine got his first then Jade, Tayla, Connor, Paige, me, Soreya, Rhys and then Nicole.
Next was the adults. They got stuff like body cream things and stuff like that.I got a Twilight board game and an Eclipse film book. It was from my auntie Tania and uncle Wayne so I said thank you. I got some other things as well as a scooter, sandals, hair clips and heaps of earrings!
Then I went outside and my auntie was there, suddenly music started playing, it was Stan W'alker my aunties absolute favourite singer. She grabbed me and we danced to the song 'Little Black Box'.
But thank goodness the lunch time call saved me! For lunch we had wobbly jelly, delicious club sandwiches and white Ambrosia and heaps more other yummy stuff.
I had the best day ever, the nicest food, the most embarrassing dance and the best day with my family!!!!!!
J.P's Cinderella Story
One day in the desert island there was a king named Lizard King he was the most charming of all. One day he went for a walk with his wife Gecko. A couple of hours later they found a resort. After an hour they went back to the desert island. There was a surprise for them... three stray kids. They were chameleon , frog and snake. Chameleon is the smart one. He was one of the best scientists. Snake is the funny one of them all. Frog is the sensitive one. One day frog was found dead on a large rock. One day they thought to go look for water then they found a mansion with water. They took some water from it. A year later more frogs came to stay.
Katie's Cinderella Story
Once a very long time ago there lived a girl but she was no ordinary girl she could talk to animals in a way no other living person could. Her name was Lucy. Lucy was 11 years old and had a craving for animals. Lucy loved animals so much that she couldn't have a favourite.
Now Lucy had a very rich family so she could go down to the shops everyday and buy another fab book full to the very tip top of animals and cool facts about them.
Every now and again Lucy and her family would go for a walk through the forest next to the lake. One fine day Lucy and her family went on their normal walk through the forest and up the lake. Like every kid Lucy got distracted by looking at a bird and did not notice her parents getting further and further into the distance.
Years passed and her parents never found Lucy. It turns out Lucy had became friends with the animals. Time was flying by and there was no sign of Lucy anywhere. Eventually Lucy was found but there was one problem............ Lucy didn't want to go.
Lucy's mum and dad were very upset and quite surprised. After a lot of asking and encouraging Lucy went. But Lucy wasn't the only one who went. All her friends in the forest went too and lived a very happy life and occasionally visited the lush forest scenery again.
By Katie
Now Lucy had a very rich family so she could go down to the shops everyday and buy another fab book full to the very tip top of animals and cool facts about them.
Every now and again Lucy and her family would go for a walk through the forest next to the lake. One fine day Lucy and her family went on their normal walk through the forest and up the lake. Like every kid Lucy got distracted by looking at a bird and did not notice her parents getting further and further into the distance.
Years passed and her parents never found Lucy. It turns out Lucy had became friends with the animals. Time was flying by and there was no sign of Lucy anywhere. Eventually Lucy was found but there was one problem............ Lucy didn't want to go.
Lucy's mum and dad were very upset and quite surprised. After a lot of asking and encouraging Lucy went. But Lucy wasn't the only one who went. All her friends in the forest went too and lived a very happy life and occasionally visited the lush forest scenery again.
By Katie
Ashlee's animal story LOG
Log is a lion crossed with a dog. This very interesting animal lives in the jungle , but not just an ordinary jungle because in this jungle there lives other animals but I'll tell you about them later on in the story.
This out of the ordinary creature has problems trying to move around, although you would think this animal has one brain it really has TWO BRAINS. This is not normally common but in this jungle there are some very mucked up animals, they can have up to 10 brains.
This abnormal animal loves to eat dog food , but occasionally you could find him munching on old bark from an old oak tree. But finding an animal that eats food like that must mean they like fine cuisine. The bark must be over the age of 50 years, it's really a lot like cheese, the older it gets the better it tastes .
One of logs special things is walking backwards but this can be a problem such as what if dog was interested in some birds... see what I mean! This is an amazing part of this animal it has a fight but its not physical instead through the brains it sorts it out. This just takes my breath away. And that's my story about my animal Log.
By Ashlee
This out of the ordinary creature has problems trying to move around, although you would think this animal has one brain it really has TWO BRAINS. This is not normally common but in this jungle there are some very mucked up animals, they can have up to 10 brains.
This abnormal animal loves to eat dog food , but occasionally you could find him munching on old bark from an old oak tree. But finding an animal that eats food like that must mean they like fine cuisine. The bark must be over the age of 50 years, it's really a lot like cheese, the older it gets the better it tastes .
One of logs special things is walking backwards but this can be a problem such as what if dog was interested in some birds... see what I mean! This is an amazing part of this animal it has a fight but its not physical instead through the brains it sorts it out. This just takes my breath away. And that's my story about my animal Log.
By Ashlee
Euan;s Tornado Explanation
A tornado is a whirl of hot and cold air. It's a deadly destructive disaster. They are unstoppable and the worst weather in the world.
Tornadoes start by rising hot tropical and descending polar cold air. Next thunder and cloud are needed for tornado to form.
After that turbulent air the currents in clouds spin. Then a column of air called a vortex will descend and gets bigger as more air gets sucked in.
Finally the tornado hits the ground and it's not going to stop until its puffed. Last of all you can choose to die while you're in it or get kicked out and brake some bones. After about an hour
it will go poof.
Did you know that in the Bangladesh tornado 1,300 people died in 1989. And Mid West America is called Tornado Alley because the boiling hot air from Mexico and the freezing cold air from Canada form many tornadoes.
By EUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tornadoes start by rising hot tropical and descending polar cold air. Next thunder and cloud are needed for tornado to form.
After that turbulent air the currents in clouds spin. Then a column of air called a vortex will descend and gets bigger as more air gets sucked in.
Finally the tornado hits the ground and it's not going to stop until its puffed. Last of all you can choose to die while you're in it or get kicked out and brake some bones. After about an hour
it will go poof.
Did you know that in the Bangladesh tornado 1,300 people died in 1989. And Mid West America is called Tornado Alley because the boiling hot air from Mexico and the freezing cold air from Canada form many tornadoes.
By EUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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