I lay there sleeping peacefully,
in a house that is not home to me.
I heard a groan and then a snore,
my friend almost awoke once more.
That's when I heard a loud thundery sound,
my friends dad yelled at us to get out.
We rushed to get under the door,
then we felt a shake again once more.
Police cars went past guarded with dogs,
followed by people some with pet frogs.
I listened to the phone buzz aloud,
That's when I found out that my parents were safe and sound.
Sitting in the candle light,
shining very big and bright.
I heard the glass getting swept up and I thought in my head oh look at that muck.
When I went home to see my family,
most of my cousins were there with me.
When my aunties and uncles returned to their homes,
They were enraged about their stuff getting stolen.
When my mum and I went to new world I almost hurled,
Because the old Christchurch will never be rebuilt the same again.
When we got to the shops,
all the shelves needed to be restocked.
No more people are stricken,
Like headless chickens.
Homes have been rebuilt,
As we have cleaned up all the silt.
Families are happier,
And dogs cant stop yapping.
Christchurch is a better place than is was before,
There are no sad faces anymore.
By Monique Motufoua!
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
Traffic Light Straws Science
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Traffic Light Straws Science
Alex creating a traffic light
Traffic Light Straws Science
Which liquid is more dense Nicole?
Traffic Light Straws
Can you stack them Janaya?
Traffic Light Straws Science
Monique, Caitlin and Rhys
Traffic Light Straws Science
Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Brooke, Alexis and Amelia
Traffic Light Straws Science
Cameron, Cassidy, Euan and Summer
Traffic Light Straws Science
Robert and Janaya
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