This room is a tragic mess! A mess is a dirty, untidy or disorganised state or thing . Children's rooms are often like this. The question is, how do they get so messy?
This child's feline has snuck in while the people were out. It scratched the matress , knocked over some ink and attempted to climb the walls, leaving muddy paw marks everywhere. But the cat can't have done all of it.
Next the boy has walked into his room and discovered that his room was in a mad state. But he could not be bothered to tidy everything up. His cat fell over into a bowl of melted ice-cream from the night before. Sticky and wet, the feline jumped onto the bed to have a rest. The boy tipped the bed upside down to cover the mess.
Finally at 3:04 am a 5.3 earthquake hit and his plants snapped due to the violent shaking, the feline jumped into the wardrobe, piled up clothes fell out covering the floor.
This boy should keep his cat under control, to not leave things lying around, hang up his clothes and to not be lazy at all.
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
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