hOn January 16 2011, my family and I drove down to Dunedin to see my Grandparents. It just so happened that my Great Aunty Leslie's birthday was the day we were going down to Dunedin. when we reached Mosgiel, we went to Grandma and Poppa's to drop off our bags that were jam packed with clothes. Jaden said his bum really hurt because we were in the hot and stinky car for 5 agonising hours!!!
During the time that Mum, Dad, Grandma and Poppa were having a hot cup of tea, I was devising of an awesome surprise plan. Aunty Les knew Mum and Dad had come down, but she did not know I had come down as well. I will surprise Aunty Les, I thought. I told everyone else about the plan before we went over, and they agreed I should do it.
Eventually we reached Aunty Leslie's house. I walked behind Mum, hiding myself from Aunty Les and everyone else there. When we reached the open front door, I jumped out and yelled "Happy Birthday!" Aunty Les fell back in her blue comfy chair. I went up to her and gave her a golden box tied with a satin brown ribbon. Inside lay a beautiful blue bracelet like shining paua, that I made myself.
For tea there was yummy mince pies, a seasame seed loaf, golden sausage rolls and juicy red mini sausages. For pudding we had delicious kiwi pavlova, strawberry jelly and chocolate lamingtons. Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aunty Leslie really loved her blue bracelet.I felt really tired and full, since I ate most of the chocolate lamingtons. It was a superb day.
Hello Followers! Last term we did a class dance to "Swing it, Shake it"...I can't post the video on our blog as there are children who can't have their photos online, however if you wish to see it pop into the classroom and we would be happy to show it to you! Haylie Eilken
Traffic Light Straws Science
David, Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Alex creating a traffic light
Traffic Light Straws Science
Which liquid is more dense Nicole?
Traffic Light Straws
Can you stack them Janaya?
Traffic Light Straws Science
Monique, Caitlin and Rhys
Traffic Light Straws Science
Nicole and Katie
Traffic Light Straws Science
Brooke, Alexis and Amelia
Traffic Light Straws Science
Cameron, Cassidy, Euan and Summer
Traffic Light Straws Science
Robert and Janaya
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